Category Archives: Fiction

Collection of Best Fiction Short Stories


Darkness, an aching reality that we could escape only under the mercy of our subconscious mind in the form of feathery dreams.  As my eyes opened, I saw an ethereal garland filled with countless flowers of my favourite colour – red. Beauty oozing out of the view that my eyes were cherishing, somehow overpowered the…

The Celestial Calligraphy

In the ancient city of Veridian, nestled between towering mountains and bathed in the shimmering light of a thousand stars, lived a young and talented calligrapher named Li Mei. Her delicate strokes and profound understanding of the celestial arts had earned her the admiration of many, but her heart yearned for something greater. One fateful…

A Flickering Lightbulb

A lonely, winding path. A flickering lightbulb overhead. The street’s shrouded in complete darkness, with little illumination to boast of, save for the tiny pinpricks of light from the occasional firefly, the bulb providing no such help. There’s just the two of us here, just you and me. You draw your hood low against the…

Tale of Traveler’s

Once Upon a time two travelers from USA (Chris and Ethan) decided to explore Pitcairn Island between New Zealand and Peru via boat. They both were famous explorers of their times and had similar adventurous trips in past. They kicked off their journey on Sunny morning and they know that this will be a very…