Once upon a time in the quaint town of Willowbrook, a young woman named Emma found herself caught in the whirlwind of a viral sensation. It all began when she stumbled upon a peculiar-looking plant while exploring the enchanted forest that bordered her village. Fascinated by its vibrant hues and mesmerizing fragrance, Emma decided to…
Category Archives: Trending Stories
Moral Story theme – Help
Build your own personality:
Jenny was a shy and introverted girl who had just started high school. She was nervous about making friends and fitting in. After some time Jenny met a girl named Sarah in her English class and they quickly became friends. Sarah was outgoing and popular, and Jenny was happy to have someone to talk to.…
The Ghost of Willowbrook
In the quaint town of Willowbrook, nestled amidst towering oak trees and rolling hills, there lived a ghost named Jasper. He was a gentle spirit with a heart as pure as moonlight. Unfortunately, his ethereal appearance frightened the townsfolk, and they believed he was an evil entity that would bring them harm. Jasper had once…
The Nest
The Business Man
At the time of 1997, Man is growing from 0 to hero with his intelligence of Metropolis, there lived a young man named Daniel. He was an ambitious and hardworking individual with big dreams of making it big in the business world. Despite coming from a modest background, Daniel had an unwavering determination to rise…
Chronicles of the Time Unveiled
Nestled in the heart of the bustling city, the History Museum was an oasis of the past, guarded by Amelia Barnes. Amelia, a historian of considerable renown, had devoted her life to the secrets of history. On this fateful day, amidst a dusty attic filled with relics, she stumbled upon a strange device — an…
Namaste Inc.: How Yoga went Global
In a small Indian town, yoga and globalization collided one day. Across generations of yogis, Guru Baba was renowned for his impressive poses and teachings. One day, he received an invitation from a multinational corporation to teach yoga to their employees worldwide via video conferencing. Guru Baba was delighted to have the opportunity to spread…