Category Archives: Drama

A Flickering Lightbulb

A lonely, winding path. A flickering lightbulb overhead. The street’s shrouded in complete darkness, with little illumination to boast of, save for the tiny pinpricks of light from the occasional firefly, the bulb providing no such help. There’s just the two of us here, just you and me. You draw your hood low against the…


There are three things you need to know before you read this. One, I kill people for a living. Two, magic is real. And three? This is the story of how I screwed up. Royally. Now, how does one tell a well-structured story when life is absolute chaos? Once upon a time, in a far,…

                    Was it a dream?                                                        By- Piya Bhansali 

“For the rest of their lives, Aladdin and the princess ruled the kingdom wisely and well. And they lived happily ever after…”. I sigh as I close my favorite book and keep it back in my bag. I look out of the resort window as I’m waiting for the rain to stop. We finally planned…

Meera tells a Story

In the serene village of Ananthapuram, nestled amidst verdant fields and whispering trees, a young girl named Meera found solace in the nostalgic charm of rural life. Her heart was captivated by the enchanting power of storytelling, passed down through generations. Driven by curiosity, Meera explored the hidden treasures of her village’s past. In the attic…