Category Archives: Drama

Meera tells a Story

In the serene village of Ananthapuram, nestled amidst verdant fields and whispering trees, a young girl named Meera found solace in the nostalgic charm of rural life. Her heart was captivated by the enchanting power of storytelling, passed down through generations. Driven by curiosity, Meera explored the hidden treasures of her village’s past. In the attic…

“Laughter in Chaturpuri”

Once upon a time, in the lively village of Chaturpuri, there lived three friends named Ravi, Mohan, and Meera. They were known throughout the village for their love of laughter and their knack for finding humor in every situation. Their mischievous adventures often took them to the most unexpected places, and this story is no…

Orphic Everglades conspiracy 

In the bustling city of Everglades, where secrets fester beneath the surface, a web of interconnected lives unfolds, weaving a tale of love, betrayal, and redemption. The protagonist of the tale is Clydia, a gifted young artist who is bound in an unhappy marriage. Her love of painting consumes her, but she finds comfort in…


The most life-changing thing that has ever happened at an airport with me was not related to an airport crush, some scandalous beef with a co-passenger, or any other conventional thing that pops up in your mind when you go to the airport. I had been at a very strange place in my life at…

Where the Happiness lies!

Life has forever been a turbulent voyage, yet its tempests do not extinguish the flame of hope. With this unwavering belief, Mahi continued her sojourn. She traversed the uncharted paths, a solitary traveler in search of happiness. Her hopes, indomitable, refused to shatter. Although life’s misfortunes compounded, she clung to the conviction that brighter days…

Echoes of Yesterday

Once a symbol of grandeur, the Victorian mansion—a testament to timeless beauty—now stood as a faded reminder of its former glory. The symmetrical design and intricate woodwork painted a picture of refined elegance. Meanwhile, the peeling paint on the weathered clapboards revealed the passage of time, with the cracked windows and slapping shutters on a…

a big fat desi wedding

The decorations were breathtakingly done. The work done by the decorators was impeccable. Everything was colour-coordinated and most of it was pink and white. Those are the favourite colours of the bride, after all! It was the typical Indian wedding, with teenagers having vanilla ice creams, kids running around and their parents trying to stop…

The Unwanted Observer

The cold wind would whisper through my room, as I’d sit on my desk in the after-hours, to study for my final exams. Maybe it was then, maybe it started before, perhaps it was always there. It was a habit for me to study for my exams throughout the night, where everything was silent, while…