Author: Navneel


Every great story has great characters – and in my life, one such, is my elder brother. I could trace many of the parts of who I am to one of the instances where he inspired me through his words or actions. In my childhood, when we would play game from chess to cards, he…


In my stories and events that happened, I found out that the phenomena of synchronicity that people have indicated is real. Synchronicity is one of the confused and mislaid topics that came under human thought. The word has probably been coined by some spiritual cult maybe to serve their needs; however, the word does have…


Due to my father’s job transfers, I had to change schools four times in my schooling period. It is quite a hectic of a job to keep changing your location. There are many things to talk about experiences that I had doing school-time at each location, but I am going to write up what where…


There is a great importance of balance in all aspects of our lives. Be in finance, relationships, family, and work balance is of central importance. Now there are people who teach extremism in life (sometimes called extremists) which manifest as idealism of certain ideas, fanatism- generally with religious beliefs, etc. something that drives people almost…


When I was little, I believed I had two superpowers (and my friends will know this): indomitable ability to work hard and persistence over one thing. I relied heavily on it for any task, challenge, problem – basically, for every aspect of my life. They are my shoes to get by the end and even…


I have never visited Hyderabad before. I am from north, specifically eastern region, where I spent my first twenty years of my life. I have moved to Hyderabad for my higher education. Now, before coming here, I had heard great praise about this city: the Hyderabadi-Biriyani, the Charminar, and many things. As expected, I was…


Sandeep Maheshwari is the Founder and CEO of, the world’s largest collection of Indian images. He is one the most successful entrepreneurs of our generation. He also gives motivational seminars (for which he does not charge at all), where he speaks about his success story. He holds the Limca book of records in photo…