Category Archives: Stories

The Enchanted Lighthouse

Once upon a time, in a small coastal village, there stood a lighthouse known as the Enchanted Lighthouse. The villagers believed it held mystical powers and served as a guardian to their shores. Legends told of its ability to guide lost ships safely to harbor through stormy nights and treacherous waters. But what the villagers…

Introvert  girl

Once apon a time  there was a girl named silky. She used to love spending time with herself  She enjoyed her own company. It was fine upto her school days but when it’s her time to move to other city for her college she was not ready to move to other city. Silky tried many…


In a bustling city, where the weight of the world seemed to rest on the shoulders of its inhabitants, two souls found themselves lost in the depths of depression. Lucas and Emily, both burdened by their own battles, sought solace in the comfort of a therapist’s office. Lucas, a gentle and introspective man, carried the…

The Three Questions…

A king determines that he will be able to cope with any occurrence if he has the answers to three critical questions: What is the best time to begin everything? Who are the best people to listen to? What is the most important thing to do? Many educated men attempted to answer the king’s questions,…

Big Little Thoughts

Like every other weekday, Manav walked back from school with his mother, Meera. It was a 15 minute walk and he enjoyed it as a curious child. Manav would ask his mother several questions and sometimes she would tell interesting stories. One day while going back home, dark clouds gathered around and light rain fell…


The king,riding through the town of hamelin,came across a peasant and become curious about peasant’s earnings.He decided to engage in a conversation and asked the peasant ,how much do you earn?   Four coins a day, Your Majesty!the man replied.And how do you spend your four coins?One on myself ,one I give in gratitude, one I…