After establishing a mobile application that helped varied hotels and restaurants nearby their appstore gang started working with full flow. There are obstacles and hindrances in between but they knew how to remove them. Seema is the one who started managing things in a way they wished. Creation of novel applications requires dedication and incessant efforts. For the same they needed to roam and collect data. For letting ideas to flow with full extent they used to hang around, sit and walk, jump and dance all together itself…..
One day, Mustafa and Satish both are standing in this crowded veggie market which is full of fresh vegetables and fruits. Since these markets have farms attach to the same it is the most crowded area on weekends. Mustafa said. “People always wish to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. For the same many conventional people visit market places, not malls. If we are capable of creating and application over which the vegetable vendor and the customer can communicate, it will help in the crowed management of the market.” That thought kept on whirling in those genius minds. Satish said, “Yes! That is a nice idea…We might be able to convert into an application.” Now when they walked out of the market they knew that they have a new idea, one special idea…another situation ….their next app.
The next day, when they met over the lunch, Mustafa reminded Satish about the application they discussed the day before, “The application will randomly allot the populace the vendors and people can place their orders. As soon as the order gets ready the vendor will give a call to the customer and in no time they can collect their veggies.” Satish said, “That is a workable idea. Such ideas can help a large number of people and make their lives easier.” Then further they went into their office and discussed the idea with the team. The team actually helped them with more ideas about the market cleanliness and e-trasactions. After getting those ideas Satish and Mustafa exclaimed at the same time, “Wohhhh! Thanks a ton guys! You all really are of awesome help!”
Other things Mustafa mentioned, “Similarly, if possible they can do the home delivery services also via the application. Taking help of several maps and location tracker they can reach to the destination. People are now a days least inclined to do efforts for cutting the veggies and cooking them. So if we can reduce the cutting and separating jobs people are ready to pay whatever we mention. In this way the vendors will buy the application in a way and we can make more amount of money.”
Satish took the flow and continued, “Simpler things for working males and females can be made are…if the vegetable vendor himself cut and deliver the vegetables to the abode. People will be more than happy to collect such. All the e-transactions can make their lives simpler and vegetables can be finished in no time. So time saving is also an advantage of the same.”
Seema mentioned, “Such application if comes into reality people are ready to check the quality of the vegetables and may get ratings out of the application so that they will know how the vendor is and what is the status of the vegetables. They can even mention a weekly time table so that they don’t worry about the same for the whole week.” Now the team had two application ideas which they wished to pitch to a company who can provide finance for the same.