“Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Arcadia, there lived a young girl named Luna. Luna was an ordinary girl with an extraordinary imagination. She had a deep love for books and would spend hours immersed in fantastical tales, dreaming of magical lands and daring adventures. One day, as Luna wandered through a…
Tag: bravery
God gifted us in several ways. We, sometimes criticize God for our problems and things that we don't have. But there are people, who take whatever they have and set an example by defying all odds. Here, is a story of Amir Hussain Lone who lost both his arms and aspire to became a cricketer. …
Eos' and 'Aurora' have been called as the Greek and Roman goddesses of Dawn. Dawn means day break when the grey firmament changes into blue,signifying the beginning of a new day.The word 'Dawn' has been significant in the history of mankind.Right from the beginning of this world the word 'Dawn' has been persisting in the…
Tribute to Neerja Bhanot Today as I write this diary entry, as She always wanted me to write, my heart aches at the fact that you are not here to read it and appreciate me for my venture.. I still remember all the times when she made me a proud mother and today I…
Once there lived a jackal named Gomaya in a jungle. One day he was very hungry and there was no food available near about him. He wandered in search of food but he did not succeed. After sometimes he reached a battlefield. This was a deserted battlefield where a battle was fought recently. The battlefield…