I didn’t walk alone in those 2 to 3 months so I decided to go alone in that evening but was little confused where to go ??

“The weather was good it was some sort of rainy, the cold wind was blowing slowly slowly, birds were flying in a row and creating a memorable moment”

Somehow I removed the thought of going outside and convinced myself to stay at terrace to enjoy the entire memorable weather

As it is natural that people start self analysis when they are alone i.e. some sort of introspections

My mind also dwelled in the same era

I was remembering , memories of my childhood how foolish I was though still I am foolish. Moments when my father taught me some good lessons, moments of every night when I had a endless talk with my father and when waited for my father for taking the food together.

The actions of my father when he gave me the the middle part of chapati after eating side parts. I usually asked him why he do so? But he never answered.

As a liitle child I was unaware about the fact that middle part has some good quantum of butter, It is soft, easy to eat. I was having the best feeling while remembering all these moments of perennial love of my father.

Suddenly a single memory of a moment changed the scenario the moment of his unfortunate death. Entire memories of those difficult days flashed back within a short span of time. People say everything happens for a reason, everything happens for something good. I too use to speak these lines but in reality I don’t believe what I speak as I fail to find out anything good in death of my father. Fail to find out the reason of the same.

Sometime its happen that we ourselves don’t believe on what we speak but we speak like we believe in it. Everyone has a different story and different circumstances in their life. These lines are the nothing but just an opinion based on their own life experience. May be that these lines, quotes are totally irrelevant in our life. We shouldn’t go on these lines rather take them as opinion. Make your own rules. Develop your own quotes based on what life taught you so far.

Remember Life is a mixture of good and bad moments. Some are good and some are bad. That’s why we call it life
