Love! wow such a great word ain’t it ? So simple to speak and write , but this word is so much powerful it can really do wonders in a person’s life. Love can bring a happy start in one’s life . One of the best feeling a person can ever have is Love.Such is my story too.
It all started with a friend request in Facebook.Well it’s a guy’s nature to send a friend request in Facebook as soon as they see a beautiful girl’s profile ,so same was with me also . It was 6th of July, I still remember that date. A simple normal day , I was usually busy looking into pretty girl’s profiles as when I came across this girl.I never felt about any girl like I felt when I first came across her profile. Such magnificent beauty I literally starred at her profile for ten minutes and was busy admiring her beauty.I understood that day that God exists as she was one of the example how perfectly she was made by God. Immediately after sending her the friend request was eagerly waiting to see if she accepted my request or not,which wait couldn’t stay longer as mom interrupted my wait and said to get my homework done .Oh yes forgot to tell you people only I was in class 10 then .So getting back to the main storyline .
Next day when I came back from school I checked my Facebook .May be that day it was the first time I had been so eager to open my fb. Even few seconds as the application opened it felt like it’s taking hours. Anyways so as I opened my fb went through the notifications ,a sense of blushing covered my face as it was not only that she accepted my friend request but also sent me message ‘Hi’.So much excited that I came up with a ‘hello’ immediately. Soon another unexpected thing happened she too replied .Now we began full fledged chatting.These things soon became a daily routine for me as I came from school . That time I had WhatsApp but she wasn’t there as her phone didn’t not support WhatsApp. After sometime even my that wish was fulfilled as she got a new phone on her birthday ‘February 17’ ahh how can I forget that date.we didn’t know each other much as we never met neither did we talk over the phone, to be precise we were just Facebook friends to be simple , But I always felt there’s some connection in between us .She became so important for me that I couldn’t afford to loose her by taking a chance and saying that I like her .Soon we started talking in WhatsApp .It always felt so special when she used to send me voice messages.Her voice was one of a kind. A sweet Melody as I heard her everytime. Soon after we started toking over the phone.Hours went by but our ocean of contents failed to to be less .No matter how long would I had been talking with her it never felt long rather it felt short .One day I remember 6th December , it was Dawn I was having tea inside my T.V. room.she suddenly messaged me saying ‘I Love You’ I was awestruck seeing that. It was a chilly evening time but still I had sweat seeing that particular message. At first many feelings came across my mind that may be she is joking or may be she really does like me or may be she always liked me as her friend. As when I was thinking about those things, one thing really pinched me everytime is this the right time?. Shall I tell her that I love her too .After fighting with myself for more than 10 minutes I finally decided that I am going to tell her that I like her .I typed the message that I love her too but a reply which I always feared came to me ‘i was kidding’. I was like shit man I screwed it up all..Now there’s no way out . To handle the situation I told her that even I was joking but then as I wrote that message another reply came to me rather an unexpected one which had ‘ leave Piku you won’t understand’.Some great scholar had said correctly that women can never be understood. No scientist has ever discovered how a women o girl thinks and what’s going inside their head.This time I was sure that I would confess no matter what ever be the outcome.I messaged her saying I love you .This brave step from my side changed my life for ever as the next message was I love you too .The happiest moment in my life till date ..I literally jumped off my chair .From that very day my life changed down into a new and beautiful chapter which I would be sharing very soon .