Category Archives: Children’s

                    Was it a dream?                                                        By- Piya Bhansali 

“For the rest of their lives, Aladdin and the princess ruled the kingdom wisely and well. And they lived happily ever after…”. I sigh as I close my favorite book and keep it back in my bag. I look out of the resort window as I’m waiting for the rain to stop. We finally planned…

Meera tells a Story

In the serene village of Ananthapuram, nestled amidst verdant fields and whispering trees, a young girl named Meera found solace in the nostalgic charm of rural life. Her heart was captivated by the enchanting power of storytelling, passed down through generations. Driven by curiosity, Meera explored the hidden treasures of her village’s past. In the attic…

Whispers of Destiny

Once upon a time, in the quaint town of Willowbrook, Mark, Eric, and Sarah were the best of friends. They loved their village and the people in it. They laughed, dreamed, and made countless memories together. One unfortunate day, a powerful earthquake struck their village, causing widespread devastation and leaving behind a path of destruction.…

“Laughter in Chaturpuri”

Once upon a time, in the lively village of Chaturpuri, there lived three friends named Ravi, Mohan, and Meera. They were known throughout the village for their love of laughter and their knack for finding humor in every situation. Their mischievous adventures often took them to the most unexpected places, and this story is no…