Horror stories or incident in our India are once considered as a joke or someone’s mischievous activity

but somewhere or the other these energies do exist, as they still exists on earth due to their unholy

activities which they did when they were alive or their death was sudden and before time.

With context to this point I am going to tell you incident of shakuntala today, So shakuntala was one

of my friend since childhood and as she was my childhood friend we both knew each others family

background and conditions as we used to discuss each other problems and as much I reTHmember

shakuntala was fond of dancing she used to teach me every new steps of bollywood songs when they

gets released, but her parents didn’t wanted her to pursue her career as a dancer, they even wanted

to marry her at her early age but she didn’t agreed to it, as they threatened her a lot but she was

brave, One simple morning her father was again threatening her to get married and she was not

agreeing to it but this time her father was not in mood to listen a no, so he tortured her brutally and

as a result she fell sick and was not able to walk even, she stopped coming to play with me and one

morning I heard from my father that shakuntala committed suicide by leaking the gas all over the house

when she was alone, I and mg brother we both were shocked and was not agreeing to my father’s story

as we thought he was telling this story because we don’t go and play with her, but after that she was

not visible to us, we thought she may have got married and must be playing somewhere with her

husband, As a children we never thought of something like that what happened to us. But after her

death something changed, I and my brother used to hear some noices of anklets as our mother used to

wear it so we didn’t thought much about it but when we started giving attention to it we felt that the

noice only came to our room and no other person used to hear that sound in the night, me and my

brother thought that now at the night we will find the real truth, and we started to prepare ourselves

for the night, when the sound started to come we both came out of our room and saw that there was a

white small light moving around in the sky and suddenly it went outside the room and ended to

shakuntala’s house, and after seeing that we got scared and I fell sick, I still remember whenever I

used to sleep I used to feel that someone’s pulling me down the bed,we thought to tell this to our

parents and when I told everything my father called our pujari ji for the purity of the house. When

pujari ji came to our house he asked whether me and my brother s saw something suspicious then we

told each and everything about the nights and the white light, he said that we should have not pointed

on the light as it was powerful and so I fell sick, he gave me kada and said to stay away from such

lights and forget everything and warned to never discuss the incident again, with couple interval of

time I became fine and started to forget things but as a memory it’s still in my head and it was mg

first and last experience of encounter of something supernatural.

Hope you liked the story, thank you.The White Light- Bhavya Mishra
