Anything, be it an item of high monetary value or a tiny or simple article, can be a treasure in one’s life. Especially if it is of an important historical background, religious significance or beliefs, unique in some other way. It is owner will never part with it under any conditions. For instance, an old…
Tag: Trending Short Stories
True my existence never mattered to anyone. But when one morning I turned into a roach and my family found me missing, it did upset them at all. And in those 24 hours of metamorphosis I lived to change the way I had lived as an uncared part of a regular family. It was November…
It was Bengal’s favorite day, Saptami. Rishabh began by reading the headlines for the day first. “Durga Puja begins. Great Rejoicing.” What is this? “Valuable ruby is stolen. Police hot on the trail.” Whereabouts suspected to be Safdarjung Enclave. “But that is where we live. Maybe I could solve the mystery. But then again the…
Minstro mintu was a thinly old man with a shrill voice and crazy looking beard. He had traveled from far south to reach the shrine of Bilael, a demi god of their tribe. During his journey he would stop at any place after 8 at night and begin again the next day before the sunrise.…
One is never too young to become a legend but gaurav was just another case of exception. When his mother died he was marely 5 and his father already left them alone exactly two years prior to this fateful event. One day he was sweeping floor at a local shop when he found a rat…
Coming home late from office after a meeting it was about eleven o’clock at night. There is a group of boys following me making fear about my body not myself. They stopped me at the market road, trying to dominant their power over my body. Those animals destroying my soul on road and yet none…