Tag: story


In the quaint town of Willowbrook, nestled amidst towering oak trees and rolling hills, there lived a ghost named Jasper. He was a gentle spirit with a heart as pure as moonlight. Unfortunately, his ethereal appearance frightened the townsfolk, and they believed he was an evil entity that would bring them harm. Jasper had once…


100 rupees, that is all I had in my pockets and trust me, this is nothing if you wish to go to any café, am not even talking about a fancy one but the basic. You know what life takes a turn when you least expect it to and the same happened with me. I…


A young girl named Lily once lived in the peaceful town of Meadowville. Lily, who was just twelve years old, was an excellent student who always got high ratings in her classes. She did, however, secretly have a passion for dance. Lily loved the sensation of losing herself in the tunes and letting her body…


A lonely, winding path. A flickering lightbulb overhead. The street’s shrouded in complete darkness, with little illumination to boast of, save for the tiny pinpricks of light from the occasional firefly, the bulb providing no such help. There’s just the two of us here, just you and me. You draw your hood low against the…


                                             A girl named shivinya traveled on the bus. Shivinya is quite stubborn about her life. She recently broke up with her boyfriend. She was sitting near the window, there was rain that day,…

Jun 17

The Unknown

Fear. Everyone fears some thing or the other.  An experience or a moment where you either do or die, this feeling in the pit of your stomach that a storm is about to hit. A storm that is unknown. Rick, a teenage boy who knows nothing about the wonders of life. A young man who…


I will tell you a story. It has no beginning no ending. It is a story about how some people come into your life and make it worth living. When your problem is not only yours but theirs too. With every step, they are walking side-by-side.  In a quaint little town, there lived a girl named…


It has always been difficult for Riley to cope with change. She has turned 18 today and will be soon off to college in a month. College is a big milestone for anyone and comes with a lot of changes in your life, changes that Riley was just not ready for. She had to leave…


Stan Smith was the most legendary spy ever to work for the British government, known throughout Europe for his cunning and bravery. But even this fearless agent had a carefully guarded secret – a paralyzing fear of heights. When Stan was given the mission to infiltrate the impenetrable Cliffside Castle in France, perched precariously atop…


Once a symbol of grandeur, the Victorian mansion—a testament to timeless beauty—now stood as a faded reminder of its former glory. The symmetrical design and intricate woodwork painted a picture of refined elegance. Meanwhile, the peeling paint on the weathered clapboards revealed the passage of time, with the cracked windows and slapping shutters on a…