Tag: fiction


Solace is a story about a woman, Cheryl Peters who had been successful and rich but falls down from the throne to the ground and comes to know about the hard truths about the poor.   She was there, sitting on a table for two. The waiter approached her with a writing pad to take…

Apr 1


Sometimes children teach us the most wonderful lessons.    I remember the first time I learned that children are way more valuable than we give them credit for.  This story is a little bizarre. I know most people will dismiss it as the imagination of a lunatic, but I want you to know that this…


Erika Moonwood's final test. Will she pass or will she fail?    The man jumped onto the hood of the car and looked down, unsurprised to see nobody hiding behind it. He carefully surveyed the surrounding area, when suddenly he was knocked off his feet by a singular, massive blast of energy. A groan escaped…

Mar 19


Cherophobia is a story about two sisters who haven't been together for so long because of a certain reason and when they do meet, it turns out to be the worst nightmare.  Cherophobia is the fear of happiness and you might think that what kind of person would fear being happy? Everyone might say that…

Mar 18


It's a description of a dream of a morphine addict who is trying hard to stay sober.  A life haunted is not a life at all. May it be a person, a thought or a ghost. She boarded a random bus. She needed to breathe. Her mind was too fucked to care where she was…

Mar 16


Ah! Another night has come, my shrink will probably tell me to drag through somehow. No. Isn’t it what the woman said? Hmm. I wonder! That woman speaks quite a lot actually. I don’t keep track. I have others things to do, you know! The room is dark, the small light from the electric mosquito…


“Where I come from…” Erika repeated, an uneasiness settling in her stomach.   Now that Liam said they were safe, Erika couldn’t get the image of the wasteland she had seen out of her head. That was what the world looked like now. Destroyed and devoid of any life. The faces of the two officers…


At first glance he seemed to be a friendly sort but there was something about him that told me there was a steel  within-icy cold steel lurking behind his grey eyes,in the resolute thrust of his chin that he nuzzled within his muffler. "This man is not simple as he looks ,their is something erking…


  Anil was running late, as usual. The list he had been handed over was so unrelated, that he couldn’t help it. He was trying his best to reach on time: walking briskly or even running at times. Finally after gathering every item, he moved with quicker steps, though the weight of the things was…


With love comes sacrifices. Sacrifices that could ruin your dreams, your desire towards freedom. The bus came at nine in the morning every day.  Shiny and red, it was filled with people yearning to get out of the small dreary town of Victoria Falls. It would take the people to the train station in the…