Category Archives: Success Story


The most life-changing thing that has ever happened at an airport with me was not related to an airport crush, some scandalous beef with a co-passenger, or any other conventional thing that pops up in your mind when you go to the airport. I had been at a very strange place in my life at…

The Night I Fell in Love

It was 3rd April 2011, a bright sunny day with birds chirping outside, everything glittering with sunshine. Though, it was a Monday, everything would have that extra rush. Like, even the most mundane work of going to the market becomes hectic because it’s Monday, and there’s the traffic which adds up to the vows made.…

The Intellectual Legacy of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan: A Journey of Wisdom and Inspiration

In the vast tapestry of Indian history, one figure stands out as an embodiment of wisdom and intellectual prowess. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a luminary philosopher, statesman, and the second President of India, left an indelible mark on the world through his insatiable thirst for knowledge and his profound contributions to academia. Born in 1888 in a…

A Friendly Robot

Long ago, there existed a mechanical being called Flip. His existence can be terraced back to the 1980’s, an excellent invention by Miss Fabiola, who soon died after developing Flip in her very own robotics lab, Bridgerton. Flip possessed an exceptional assortment of abilities that made him distinguished from other automata. He was an amiable…