Category Archives: Stories

“Laughter in Chaturpuri”

Once upon a time, in the lively village of Chaturpuri, there lived three friends named Ravi, Mohan, and Meera. They were known throughout the village for their love of laughter and their knack for finding humor in every situation. Their mischievous adventures often took them to the most unexpected places, and this story is no…

His joyful barks

Once upon a time in a quiet neighborhood, there was a mischievous dog named Charlie. He was known for his endless energy and constant barking. No matter the time of day or night, Charlie’s enthusiastic barks echoed through the streets, causing frustration among the neighbors. Despite the complaints, the neighborhood had grown accustomed to Charlie’s…

The Echoes of Redwood Hollow

Once upon a time, nestled deep within the heart of the dense Redwood forest, stood a forgotten village known as Redwood Hollow. Legends whispered of the village’s eerie past, claiming that it was cursed by a vengeful spirit. Despite the tales, a group of thrill-seeking friends decided to embark on a forbidden adventure and uncover…

“The Kindness Garden”

A young girl named Lily once lived in Harmonyville. Lily was well-known for her kind and loving heart. She was always looking for ways to make others happy. Lily spotted a neglected plot of property on the outskirts of the hamlet. It was covered with weeds and thorns, and no one appeared to care. Lily had…

Bound by Time: A College Friendship

In the bustling halls of Cambridge College, amidst the flurry of eager students, there existed an extraordinary bond. This story captures the essence of an enduring friendship that unfolded within the vibrant walls of the institution. Aarohi and Nishka, two bright and ambitious souls, met on their first day of college. With similar interests and…