Category Archives: Stories

Unwavering Love: A Mother’s Heart

In a quaint little town nestled amidst rolling hills, lived a remarkable woman named Elizabeth. Her heart overflowed with boundless love for her two children, Emily and Thomas. Elizabeth’s love was like a gentle breeze, always present, comforting and guiding them through life’s trials. From the moment they were born, Elizabeth dedicated herself to nurturing…


Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a girl named Lily who fell head over heels for a boy named Alex when they were both in 9th grade. They shared countless moments of laughter, stolen glances, and secret smiles, forming a bond that felt unbreakable. As fate would have it, after their…


Shifted to a new apartment rent is reasonable. I can pay, advance took blood out of me. It has a good view with road facing. I hear sounds every day and don’t have to use an alarm to wake up the traffic does that job, but the apartment is great. There are two more apartments…