Author: smaartiist

Jul 19


[future] – Zian – dang that’s so cool!! {stranger} – uh … yeah. Haha! Zian – so…. how can I go back in my timeline? {stranger} – that is what I am thinking from two months Zian – TWO MONTHS!!?? {stranger} – (sighs) yes mate. [narrator] – pretty confusing, isn’t it? Well let’s clear it.…


I (29m) got rejected by my family when I was 23, it was a traumatic experience for me, I am talking about the day when everyone was at my house. It was amusing because my family was nuclear and all of a sudden everybody including my grandparents (74m & 71f) were at my house. Of…


It was the day of Anant Chaturthi of 2018, I (21m) was 19 y/o at that time. The vibe was very positive at that day, I was attending the Visarjana of the Ganesha of our complex. My friend Raghav (21m) was with me. We were of the same age, it was 1:00 at midnight. The…