Ashutosh Gupta started writing in his late teens, as the urge to pen down his abstract reflections began overwhelming him. He has graduated his Bachelors of Technology; however, writing has always been his driving force. He primarily writes thought pieces pertaining to the existential spectrum.

He has written a short e-book The Constituents of Virtue, which has garnered reasonable acclaim. Influenced by the works of Franz Kafka and Leo Tolstoy, Metamorphosis is one book he wishes he had written.

With Equations of a Being, he takes his first strides as a full-fledged author and hopes to leave an undeniable mark on each and every psyche. He currently works with a Multi-National Corporation (MNC) and lives in Ghaziabad, his residence for the past twenty years.

Equations of a Being

Equations of a Being

About the Book:  If you have a penchant for both reason and abstractness, this intriguing piece of literature shouldn’t be missed. Equations of a Being beautifully coalesces the author’s thought pieces pertaining to the existential spectrum. Never has there been a book that blended emotions, intellect, and imagination so seamlessly, to celebrate a being in totality.

The author depicts his artistic persuasion, the enriched and disintegrated fragments of his existence, and the conclusions based on his interactions with the physical and abstract elements of life in a compelling and unbridled manner.
It’s a book for the ages that will let you trace the complete trajectory of a being and realize that a being has been and will always be a convergence of his tryst with abstractness, his acceptance of vulnerability, and his surge for virtuosity.


We will talk with Ashutosh about his book ‘Equations of a Being’

What is the story behind your book ‘Equations of a Being’. Where did you get your idea for the book?

Well, it’s a very quintessential story of realization. This book is a cumulation of all such. Over a span of seven years, writing has helped me forage for my sincerity and genuineness. In writing alone, I have found them all concentrated. This seven years of continuity is the only thing which holds the equations of my existential hues. ‘Equations of a Being’ is a raw and a fervent reflection of this continuity.
A couple of years ago, I read ‘Warrior of the Light’ by Paulo Coelho and it took away all my apprehension that I had for my writing style. The experience of reading that book stayed with me and I was inspired to come up with an unconventional book. The idea behind the book rests on the joy of revisiting and rediscovering. The idea occurred to me when I read the analects of Confucius. The way that book realigned my thoughts every time I went through it, certainly reflected the purpose of literature which I had envisaged.

Challenges you faced while writing this book and in your life as an author?

Every book must put its readers on a path to traverse and it must refrain from randomness. So, with the kind of writing style I have, it was a challenge to achieve both. A lot of time was spent in discovering a common thread that binds my thought pieces. Upon discovering that thread, the journey became a lot simpler.
In the context of life, being a writer is a challenge as you are always conceiving Life in her entirety and it becomes difficult to have a tunnel vision or a single-minded focus on a particular aspect of life, which is needed to succeed materialistically. So, the whole balancing act becomes a challenge in itself.

What is your life mantra?

To experience a human space rather than a space of privilege. To seek resemblance rather than uniqueness.
Inside all that vastness, inside all that earthliness, and inside all that intricacy of my imageries, I don’t seek a glorious peace but only a great human emotion, a great human utterance, and a great human tale.

What is your writing process like?

Since the day I started writing, I have never been infatuated with the escalations of creativity which come so casually and with so much certitude while romanticizing with inanimate things. A metaphor getting tied to another metaphor has seldom given me a joy to reminisce.
I have always focused on the evolvement of thought process rather than revolving only around metaphors and being overly creative. For me, conceiving a new idea is like playing a new character in a play. I have a stack of emotions, and I pick one particular emotion which is blended with the memories pertaining to the subject I want to talk about.

Anything special about your book that you want to share?

I believe that the primary role of a thinker is to lay down different interpretations of emotions. It’s like gradually unfolding a paper, where every fold represents an interpretation. Within this unfolding lies a strange assurance of getting closer to truth. However, realism is beyond those folds of paper, and thereby is beyond any unfolding. It is a blatantly expressed confession, with no filters in between. This book is a blend of truth and realism. Some thought pieces in this book which reflect those intermittent pauses of interpretations and some reflect those straight-out confessions. By turning the pages of the book, readers will go through the stretches of such interpretations and such realism.
This book will serve its purpose only if readers are willing to let an alien thought process disrupt their system, disrupt the already established knowledge, in order to create something new.
I have shared a tremendous world within me, by sharing ‘Equations of a Being’, knowing well enough that this world was incomplete and maybe was on the verge of completeness. The honour of achieving that completeness should be and has been left for the devourers of literature.

According to you, what are the three qualities an author must have to achieve success?

For me success lies in creating something that enjoys a prolonged shelf life. So, in that respect an author should:
1. Develop adaptability to ‘Alien Thoughts’
2. Have an equal respect for and a will to blend intellect, emotions and imagination in equal proportion.
3. Evade catering to the self-serving fantasies of readers.

What are your plans for next book?

There is a theme which I am tapping, to go deeper into the human space. Let’s see where I will end up.

What advice do you have for young writers?

I believe we all are a work of art and if it is not within our powers to exude this attribute through our actions then we must at least strive to create a work of Art. Writing should sustain the hope of universe to realize the magical chemistry of intellect, imagination and emotions, with no favoritism for one in particular. I feel that timeless writing must make way for the sustenance of a gentle arrogance, a bit of it to interrupt the converging lines of established knowledge, and much more of it to give birth to a burning star. Writers must converge their efforts to pay tribute to the sanctity of this craft and must not fall for the temptations of an ephemeral fame.

Share a quote or line that has been your inspiration.

It’s actually a quote from my book: “As long as I am writing, I am on the verge of a homecoming”.
