A chaiwala (tea seller) can became Prime Minister in India, then why another chaiwal can’t write 24 books?

This story is about Laxman Rao, a roadside chaiwala at ITO area in Delhi and also an author of 24 books (12 published) so far; consisting Hindi novels, plays, literature and philosophy. Despite having mother tongue Marathi, he consistently wrote in Hindi.

With desire to became author, he went to several doors of publishers but as expected rejected every time, owing to his status. But he was not going to stop established his own publication house ‘BHARTIYA SAHITYA KALA PRAKASHAN’ and published his first novel ‘NAYI DUNIYA KI NAYI KAHANI’ in 1979. Then, he never looked back.

He still sells tea!

If you want to support this hard-working man by ordering his books, here is the link of his books
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