Tag: stories

Jun 23


There was once a small girl who enjoyed playing hide and seek. She happened to stroll into a dark and spooky woodland one day and chose to play the game there. She was hiding behind a tree when she heard a peculiar noise and realized she wasn’t alone. Something was keeping an eye on her.…


The cold wind would whisper through my room, as I’d sit on my desk in the after-hours, to study for my final exams. Maybe it was then, maybe it started before, perhaps it was always there. It was a habit for me to study for my exams throughout the night, where everything was silent, while…


Let me tell you the untold story of young Miss Gini and then you will surpringly know, why kids are affraid of barbers. This story concerns a sweet little child who went to a local barber shop, to get her hair cut done. The barber’s shop had broken windows, half bent dusty door, faded sign…