Tag: Life

Mar 12


These are the lines a women would think during the time of her labor, These are the lines a doctor would think during his last attempt to save a patient, These are the lines a person may think when he/she faces failure often, These are the lines which gives the confidence to move on with…


♧Amidst the brewing of a storm, the silence has a sense of conflict and the chaos fosters a touch of serenity.♧


There is a great importance of balance in all aspects of our lives. Be in finance, relationships, family, and work balance is of central importance. Now there are people who teach extremism in life (sometimes called extremists) which manifest as idealism of certain ideas, fanatism- generally with religious beliefs, etc. something that drives people almost…


When I was little, I believed I had two superpowers (and my friends will know this): indomitable ability to work hard and persistence over one thing. I relied heavily on it for any task, challenge, problem – basically, for every aspect of my life. They are my shoes to get by the end and even…

Dec 15


      Whatever may happen, life will go on. So, we should not forget our duties.                                Sun is a classic example.                 


Minstro mintu was a thinly old man with a shrill voice and crazy looking beard. He had traveled from far south to reach the shrine of Bilael, a demi god of their tribe. During his journey he would stop at any place after 8 at night and begin again the next day before the sunrise.…


Old man overheard Doctor informing about his  Alzheimer’s. Family was sad but he was happy for making  new friends everyday.


Alia is sitting on the couch on a cold winter morning sipping the fresh brews of coffee to lower the winter chills. The blue couch is reminding her of the blues she is handling in her life currently. The dark walls of her room are providing her warmth as well from the cold atmosphere of…


There are times, when we’re afraid, fear runs through our vein, blood comes to eyes in the intensity of the moment; Eyes got still but hands tries to find another hand in the darkness to hold on, to make believe that you’re not alone. This sense helps to stand firmly and make steps forward and…

Jul 9


The clattering sound of the rain against my den’s windshield woke me up from my much needed respite . It was yet another dream to add to my plethora of spooky nights. I was stranded in the lands of unbeknownst, the winds were humming as I tasted the needled cold. The ever growing pine trees…