Year : 1995
place : Chennai
In 1995,the drug mafia in Chennai were in peak, the society is full of can easily penetrate through society, because in that time there were lots of loop holes in police department. GAJENDRAN(45)- A big drug smuggler, gangster. CHENNAI is in under his control.
On the other hand the political party which ruling the TAMIL NADU has been abandoned due to low support. There was a riot in all over Tamil Nadu. To control the riots government officials appointed a new team(a group of 100 training officers for per district which can be divided in to 10 teams under one leader) under the leadership of Naren(45)-An experienced police officer and also worked in NCRB(National crime record bureau).
Kamal(24)-A young man who just completed his training has been very curious and excited but also feared because his first mission is that much complicated.
And because of this riot, Gajendran became the richest person as much as possible.Behind this riot there is a hidden participation of Gajendran. A one man totally collapsed the entire Tamil Nadu Government.That much power he had in that time.
In this side, the team under Naren can’t able to control the riot all over the TN. So the INDIAN GOVERNMENT enforced MILITARY RULE in TN for 10 days and 144 prohibition has been enforced. Army men Shooted everyone even old peoples who are all crossing the limits of 144 prohibition. That 10 days the entire TN was silent and it looks like a graveyard.
And after that 10 days riots were gone and the ELECTION COMMISION OF INDIA decided to conduct a election and the election was conducted exactly one month from the end of 144 prohibition and a new leader(who has the support of GAJENDRAN) has been selected.
During that 144 a man(who lives in platform went to buy milk for his child) has been brutally killed by military men Infront of his 10 years old son, AZAR.
Kamal was just behind the man who Shooted Azar’s father,So Azar thought that it was Kamal who killed his Father. Kamal’s face is fixed in Azar’s mind. As they are just people who lives in platforms, Nobody cares about them. Azar’s mother doesn’t have any idea about how she will raise Azar in such place without his Father. She didn’t sleep for nearly a month after that incident.
Time runs, Azar decides to take revenge on the military men who killed his father in that 144 prohibition. He joins in the local gang of Gajendran. He get Surrended for all crimes that upper level rowdies did and with that he also in search of that military man(kamal).
Year : 2006
place : Chennai
After nearly 10 years,He came to meet that military men(kamal) in a fish market. That time kamal was onduty(special undercover mission).Azar takes a Knife and follow kamal behind him.He kicks Kamal very forcely from behind. Kamal has no idea about what is going on as he suddenly got a big hit from back side.
Within, kamal able to recognize what is going on,Azar picks him up and beat very hardly, Azar’s eyes were very red.He says “You are the one who ruined my life, I’m searching for you only these many years”. Kamal suddenly takes gun , as he is onduty he carried a gun and pointed it towards Azar and asked him to get knee down.
Azar started to cry and other officers who are all onduty along with Kamal came and surrounded him. Kamal asks “Who are you..?…Why are you searching for me ?”.Azar face was filled with sweat and tears. He replied very harshly “You are the one who killed my father” and explained about the incident that happened in 1995.
Kamal was very shock after hearing this. He realized How a Father’s absence can change a child’s life. Azar thought for a moment and replied “I didn’t killed your father, surely”.
Azar says “I don’t believe you, You are telling lie”…Kamal replied “I didn’t even killed one person at that incident….and I’m going to tell you one thing, I only allowed you father to buy milk from our military camp, but unfortunately another officer shoots your father as i didn’t informed about this to them…”.This incident doesn’t made me to sleep for past 10years.I was felt very guilt about this and sorry is not enough for your loss.
And Kamal added that ” If you want to take revenge of me means then you should study and achieves a good position in society, that’s a best revenge you can do to anyone. Killing someone is not a solution or revenge, Education is important…please study and get a good position in society and you should not do the same thing that they did to you. You should help the people who are like you struggling without father…and One more thing it’s our order to shoot anyone those crossing the limits of 144,even if it’s CM ,we must follow our order, there is no partiality, all are equal to us and that was my fault not to inform to my fellow officers before I’m allowing your father to move”..
and kamal gave some money to Azar. He made some arrangements for Azar’s study.
And this is how
“The guilt disappeared like a wind!”