In a faraway village, lives a hardworking farmer who has grapes fields. Year after year his grapery gives rich harvest, and the farmer becomes very successful. He has three sons, who are young and energetic but never bother to work. As the farmer grows old, he begins to worry about his son’s future

Then he falls very ill and realizes his death is fast approaching. He calls the sons and tells them,

“Dear sons, I see my death nearing me, but before I  bid goodbye to all of you, I want to share a secret. There is a treasure hidden under the fields. Dig the entire field after my death, to find it.”

The old farmer dies, and his sons perform the last rites. The sons begin to dig for the treasure without leaving  any part of field but find nothing. However, their digging of field leads to a healthy crop and results in huge earnings. These earnings  make the sons realize what their father  meant.


Hard work always pays off. Fruits of hard work are always sweet whether or not they are in  the form you desire. 


  1. Shrestha Deb

    The story of the hardworking farmer and his sons teaches us a valuable lesson about the rewards of hard work and the unpredictability of success. The farmer’s dedication to his grape fields resulted in a prosperous harvest year after year, while his sons neglected to contribute their efforts. However, upon the farmer’s passing, they embarked on a treasure hunt that ultimately yielded no material wealth. Yet, their diligent digging transformed the fields into fertile grounds, resulting in a bountiful crop and substantial earnings.
    The moral of the story, “Hard work always pays off,” resonates strongly. It reminds us that the fruits of our labor may not always come in the exact form we desire or expect. The farmer’s toil and perseverance brought about financial prosperity through his successful crops, highlighting the fact that hard work and dedication can lead to unforeseen and rewarding outcomes.
    This tale serves as a reminder that we should not solely focus on immediate gratification or material gains. Instead, we should appreciate the process, embrace hard work, and trust that our efforts will yield positive results, even if they differ from our initial expectations. The story encourages us to embrace diligence, resilience, and the long-term rewards that come from investing our energy into our pursuits.
    Overall, the story delivers an important message about the significance of hard work, illustrating that it is the foundation for achieving success, personal growth, and ultimately reaping the sweet fruits of our labor.

  2. Dikshu Tak

    Hey author! I read your story “The Farmer And The Sons” and I really enjoyed it. The message about the importance of hard work and the unexpected rewards it can bring was clear and inspiring. The characters were well-developed, and the plot kept me engaged till the end. The only suggestion I have is to add a bit more detail to the treasure hunt part of the story to make it more exciting. Overall, great job! Keep up the good work!

  3. Nitesh

    Hey, author! I checked out your story “The Farmer And The Sons” and I gotta say, it was a cool read! The message about the value of hard work and the unexpected rewards it can bring really hit home. The characters were fleshed out nicely, and the plot kept me hooked till the end. One suggestion I have is to add some more excitement and suspense during the treasure hunt part. Overall, awesome job! Keep up the great work, my friend!

  4. Komal

    I read your story “The Farmer And The Sons” and I have to say, it was a delightful read! The moral about the value of hard work and the sweet fruits it bears resonated with me. The characters were well-crafted, and I found myself rooting for the hardworking farmer and his sons. The pacing of the story was engaging, although I would suggest adding a little more suspense and excitement during the treasure hunt part to make it even more captivating. Overall, you did a fantastic job conveying the importance of perseverance and the unexpected rewards that come from dedicated effort. Continue your great work!