Tag: creativity


The arrival of summer was always a cause for celebration in everybody’s life. It was a time when school was out, and endless possibilities awaited. Every year, before school ends the children would be brimming with excitement, for it meant embarking on grand adventures and creating cherished memories. The bickering would be endless, about catching…


A lonely, winding path. A flickering lightbulb overhead. The street’s shrouded in complete darkness, with little illumination to boast of, save for the tiny pinpricks of light from the occasional firefly, the bulb providing no such help. There’s just the two of us here, just you and me. You draw your hood low against the…


Long ago, there existed a mechanical being called Flip. His existence can be terraced back to the 1980’s, an excellent invention by Miss Fabiola, who soon died after developing Flip in her very own robotics lab, Bridgerton. Flip possessed an exceptional assortment of abilities that made him distinguished from other automata. He was an amiable…