❝What a plot twist you were.❞

~ Anonymous



Loving someone is one of the most vulnerable positions you can be. You open your heart to another person, and your best wish is for him or her to love you in return. Unfortunately, life is not a Nicholas Sparks movie; love isn’t always reciprocated, and it doesn’t always end in a happy life ever after. I had to learn this hard truth, and chances are, you’re reading this because you have, too. Sometimes, love isn’t a feeling you force upon yourself; it just happens. When you spend more time with another human being, you expose…

I never wanted to leave her alone, but it was late, and the graveyard gates were about to be closed.

You see, I had a girlfriend; yes, I did. Nesta. You know what does it mean. Pure.

Don’t go yet

Just listen to me

for just five minutes, okay?

I know your time is precious but

I need someone.

Hope you are still listening.

I don’t know if you are but

I will sit here in the dark

and pore my heart out

pretending you are still here

even if you left

I won’t know


Because as I said

it’s dark.

So, where was I? Ya, pure, her name meant pure, just like her soul.

Nesta, my best friend and my soulmate, was the most beautiful girl I’d ever laid eyes on. Her delicate figure sat well on her wafer-thin body. She had a perfect waist, and her complexion had an impeccable, radiant hue. Her pencil-thin eyebrows eased down gently to her black eyelashes. A sculptor could not have fashioned her ears and nose any better. Her Platinum Blonde hair stretched down her hips, which swayed around teasingly as she walked; spools of it plunged around her photogenic face and hid her elegant and smooth neck. Her light, radiant skin glowed ever so softly, with those kissable lips stained the color of love.

Her beguiling, oyster-white teeth lit up the room when she broke into a smile. It could jolt you like an electric current when that megawatt smile gave you her full attention. I loved her nebulous, dark-green eyes, which sparkled with delight. They were like two beryl-green jewels melted onto the snow. It surprised me that they were plump as she had a demure, timorous personality. Her voguish clothes still kept captive an aroma redolent of lavender. It lingered around me every time she was near, and I still remember her sweet smell; that was the best aroma my nostrils ever came in contact with.

I proposed to her on this day a year ago. On a random day, she challenged me to spend a day without her, no messages, no calls, nothing. What do I get in return? I know the question is bugging you. Be patient; I am coming to that. She will love me forever if I passed it, she had said, and I agreed because I couldn’t resist those puppy dog eyes she made. They were just too cute to say no to.

The next day we didn’t exchange any words. It was difficult, but I wanted her to be happy. What I didn’t know……

Sorry for the tears, but there seems to be a water tank overflowing inside me that never seems to stop leaking out of my eyes. (Pained laugh)

What I didn’t know was she was living the last twenty-four hours of her life. You see, she had a brain tumor, a deadly disease. Anyways, I went to see her as soon as I was up for the next day.

“I did it,” I shouted to her, but she didn’t respond. How could she? She was lying in a coffin with a note clutched in her fist. You know what was written inside

“You did it, baby, keep doing it every day I love you, Drake.” And then *BAM* the reality came toppling over me. She had left me forever and ever. She had turned her back on me to never turn back around. That idiot. But you know what? She still lives in my dreams, and I still love her…….



Saw this as a poem somewhere and wanted to create my version, so here you go…


  1. Harny Turner


    1. Emotional Impact: Evokes strong emotions, portraying vulnerability and loss.
    2. Descriptive Language: Vivid descriptions create a clear mental image.
    3. Unexpected Twist: Terminal illness revelation adds intrigue.
    4. Reflection on Love: Prompts contemplation and emotional connection.
    5. Engaging Opening/Ending: Intriguing start, poignant conclusion.
    6. Sincere Tone: Authentic narration fosters empathy.


    1. Lack of Development: Characters and relationship need more depth.
    2. Pacing Issues: Rushed sections diminish impact.
    3. Limited Dialogue: Less opportunity for dynamic interactions.
    4. Grammar/Proofreading: Some errors and distractions.
    5. Lack of Background: More context would enhance immersion.
    6. Unresolved Questions: Ambiguities leave important elements unclear.