God once called a man through Whatsapp. Man asked who was that .The reply was “This is God, as I heard your prayers I thought to have a chat with you.” But man replied he was busy, but he don’t know what was he busy at, he says his life is hectic with no free time.
God understands his problem and says that he has come to resolve man’s problem on time by giving some clarity. When man asks why his life has become so complicated god replied, “Analysis makes your life complicated. Stop analyzing life. When you analyze you surmise. Rather believe so that you can achieve.” The next question put forth was then why are people constantly unhappy.
God replied “your today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday, you are worrying because of analyzing. Thus worrying has become a habit”. Man cried, how can not worry since life is uncertain, God says for humans uncertainty is inevitable but worrying is optional. Man says uncertainty causes pain. God says pain is inevitable but suffering is optional. Man asks then why do good people suffer?
God’s golden word goes as so “Diamond cannot be polished without friction, gold cannot be purified without fire, similarly good people go through trials but do not suffer.
With that experience their life becomes better not bitter. Also good people see opportunity in every adversity, the opportunity that turns them towards me, the God. Experience is like a hard teacher. She gives the test first and the lesson next.
These tests are beneficial rock blocks that enhance your mental strength. Inner strength comes from struggle and endurance not when you are free from such tests or problems.” Man wants to know where he is heading in the midst of such problems. God clears his route by asking him not to look outside, because when he looks outside he dreams when he looks inside he gets awaken. Eyes provide sight but heart provides insight. Man enquires how to stay motivated in tough times god advices him “look how far you have come rather than how far you have to go. Always count your blessing not what you are missing”. Man asks god what surprises you about people. God replied “when people suffer they ask ‘why me’ but when they prosper they never ask ‘why me’. Every one wishes to have truth on their side but few wish to be on the side of truth.
Man laments he cannot find the reason why life is, god’s reply was not to use his tiny, immature brain to philosophize and speculate why life is etc., that is only going to frustrate him, instead use such questions to understand the goal of self-realization. Man wants to know how he can get the best out of life, god’s advice was “face your past without regret, handle your present with confidence and prepare for your future without fear”. At last man wants to know why some of his prayers remain unanswered. God ends with his priceless words “There are no unanswered prayers.
At times the answer is no.” Man feels so delighted and looks forward to start his new day with a new sense of inspiration. God wishes him “Keep faith and drop fears. Don’t believe in doubts and doubt your beliefs. Life is not a misery but a discovery, discovery of love happiness and true peace. Trust me life is wonderful if you know how to live.”