This is the continuation to the story of Business Thieves. Pugazhendhi thought that he was fully out of the case. But he finds that he is not too far from the business thieves.They are after him.
Chapter 15: Kannan’s Visit
Place: Pazhamathur
Date: 20th July 2012, Friday
Pugazhendhi woke up at 7 O clock in the morning.
He was expecting the visit of Mr.Kannan on that day.
He had a cold water shower and got himself prepared for the day.
He cooked Roti for his breakfast.
He had his breakfast at 8.30 a.m.
He reached his office by 9 O clock on that day.
All the police officials came in the right time on that day.
Pugazhendhi sat in his cabin and started to work on his computer.
At 10 O clock, he got a phone call from Kannan.
Pugazhendhi answered the call, “Hello sir”
Kannan said, “Hello Pugazh, I am on the way”
Pugazhendhi said, “When can I expect you, sir?”
Kannan said, “I have crossed Kattankulathur, so hardly it will take half an hour for me”
Pugazhendhi said,”Ok sir”
Kannan said,”Ok, we will talk the rest in straight”
Pugazhendhi said,”Ok sir”
The call got disconnected.
Pugazhendhi called,”Apparao!”
Apparao came inside, “Our Kannan sir is coming, please inform everybody”
Apparao said,”Ok sir, I will”
Apparao went outside Pugazhendhi’s cabin and informed the matter to other officers.
The time was 10.40 a.m. when Kannan’s car entered the Pazhamathur Police station campus.
Kannan got down from the car and entered the Police station.
Everybody got up and saluted him.
Kannan saluted them back and went inside the cabin of Pugazhendhi.
Pugazhendhi stood up and saluted him.
Kannan saluted back.
Both of them sat in the chairs and relaxed them for a while.
Kannan said, “How are you, young man?”
Pugazhendhi said,”mmm…fine sir”
Kannan said, “Is everything ok here? I mean about your comfort level”
Pugazhendhi said,”Mmm…yes sir”
Kannan asked,”Ok, now tell me about the case”
Pugazhendhi said, “Sir, I have told you about Muniamma’s case right?”
Kannan said, “Yes”
Pugazhendhi said, “Now, I have another issue”
Kannan asked, “What is that?”
Pugazhendhi said, “Yesterday I received an unofficial complaint from a local businessman”
Kannan asked, “What is it?”
Pugazhendhi said, “He got looted”
Kannan said,”mmm…how much?”
Pugazhendhi said,”1 crore”
Kannan asked, “Did he give a complaint?”
Pugazhendhi said, “No, he wanted me to find the case without record”
Kannan said,”Hmmm…what is your findings?”
Pugazhendhi said, “I doubt the business thieves in that case also”
Kannan said,”Oh! My god”
Pugazhendhi said, “Yes, so two attacks in the last two days”
Kannan said,”mmm…so they are very active here”
Pugazhendhi said, “Yes sir”
Kannan said, “is that the fact that they want to give you case or what?”
Pugazhendhi said,”mmm…I don’t know…but my guess is that they want a revenge on me”
Kannan said,”hmm…revenge…it is the mindset of every criminal”
Pugazhendhi asked, “Sir one more bad news”
Kannan said, “you don’t even have a single good news for me”
Pugazhendhi laughed,”Ha! Ha! Ha! what to do sir? It is happening like that”
Kannan said,”hmmm…tell me”
Pugazhendhi said,”Muniamma’s husband died of heart stroke”
Kannan said,”Oh! My god”
Pugazhendhi said,” he was not able to bear the losses”
Kannan said,”hmm…this business thieves have become a headache again to us”
Pugazhendhi said, “we have not eradicated their team to full extent”
Kannan said, “we did our best with the power we had at that time”
Pugazhendhi said,”Ok sir, Will we visit the site of Muniamma’s land”
Kannan said,”Ok, let us go”
Both of them stood up and came out of the police station.
They entered into Kannan’s car.
The car started and went out of the police station.
(To be continued)