The story is about Gunjan. she is the first girl to work in her family. This story will address the difficulties faced by a girl in a conservative family.
Gunjan’s engagement has been fixed. The funny part is that she did not interacted with that guy but she has been engaged with that person. Some of you may not believe this. But Gunjan’s father has brought her up in such a way that she cannot able to express her feelings or cannot deny the decisions taken by her father.
Just because of work Gunjan’s family moved from village to the city 10 years before. Gunjan’s father has a close friend called Sarpal Singh in the village. Gunjan’s father and his friend have decided that once their children’s grow older they should get married. They have decided to extend the friendship into a family relationship.
The son of Sarpal Singh and Gunjan played together when they were kids. Once Gunjan’s family moved to the city she started to forget her childhood memories. Gunjan is a graduate now and she has started to work in an office just a month back. As soon as she joined in an office her dadi had insisted her father to fix Gunjan’s marriage. Gunjan’s dadi is 85 years old and she wants to see her grand daughter’s wedding before she die.
So Gunjan’s engagement has been fixed with the son of Sarpal Singh. Gunjan belong to a conservative family and so she cannot deny the decisions taken by the elders.
Gunjan: ma, I am moving to the office now
Gunjan’s mom: Gunjan, you cannot go if you skip the breakfast
Gunjan: ma, what is this? I am getting late
Gunjan’s mom: whatever may be the reason, you have to eat now
Gunjan: ok, give me a bread toast
Mother: bread toast alone is not good. Drink fresh juice and almonds
Gunjan: ma, I am not sick.
Mother: Gunjan, your engagement has been fixed. You have to be healthy.
Gunjan: so if it not happens can I eat less?
Mother: are you mad? Your engagement won’t get cancelled.
Gunjan: ma, I have started working now. Only a month has been completed and you are planning for my engagement
Mother: ask your dadi, she has taken that decision. Actually she is also right. You are the first girl in our family to go for a work.
Gunjan: what can I do after studies? Can I sit in our home without doing any work?
Mother: who said that there is no work in the home? You can learn the household work and if you prefer then you can also help your dad.
Gunjan: ma, papa ji is doing business. My studies are not related with business.
Mother: so what? Try to learn. Even in your office you will get training. Just like that your papa ji also train you in our business.
Gunjan: ma, you cannot understand. I don’t have interest in our family business. I just want to work in a field related to my studies.
Mother: ok. Finish your breakfast soon.
Gunjan: then only Gunjan remember that she is getting late for her office.
Gunjan in Office
Gunjan entered the office and she is 10 minutes late. Her close friend payal asked her, Gunjan why you are late today
Gunjan: my mom insisted me to finish breakfast. So I was late
Payal: That’s good. At least today you have not skipped your breakfast.
Gunjan: our manager has arrived or not?
Payal: no, as usual he will come at 11’o clock.
Gunjan: thank god.
Payal: I am working here for the past 2 years and our manger do not have the habit of coming to office earlier.
Gunjan: smiled and said have you started your work today?
Payal: I was about to start the work
Gunjan: ok payal, we shall start our work now
Few hours later
Gunjan: she got a call from her manager and so she moved from her seat.
Gunjan: sir, may I come in?
Manager: yes, then how is your work going on?
Gunjan: it’s going good sir
Manager: ok, let me come to the point. We are going to start a new project from today and you will be the team leader for that project.
Gunjan: she was surprised and said, sir me?
Manager: yes, I know you will be surprised on hearing this. But I think a university topper like you can handle this project. Moreover you got enough training in this domain
Gunjan: ok sir, if you insist then I will do it.
Manager: that’s good. Please don’t get scared. I’ll assist you in the first month of the project and then I’ll move to our Malaysian branch. So you have to take care of the project for the next three months. You can contact me if there is an issue
Gunjan: sure sir. I’ll do my best.
Manager: I’ll explain you about the project after lunch. Till then you can continue with your work.
Gunjan: Ok sir. Then she came back to her seat.
Payal: can I know the secret between you and boss?
Gunjan: there is no secret payal. He said that we are going to do a new project and I’ll be the team leader.
Payal: wow! That’s great. I think you are the first person to get a responsibility like this very soon. I got a chance to lead a team after spending three months in other work. But your case is different. You are the topper in your class with a medal in your hands.
Gunjan: payal, stop playing with me. Actually I am scared now.
Payal: there is no need to worry. I’ll help you.
Gunjan: thank you payal. Then she continued with her work. After lunch hours she had a discussion with her manager about the new project.
Evening at Gunjan’s Home
Gunjan entered into her home. Her mom is in kitchen. So she asked mom, why are preparing sweets? Is there anything special today?
Mother: yes, Gunjan just now your papa ji called me and said your engagement date has been finalized.
Gunjan: what?
Mother: yes, though your engagement has been decided already we couldn’t able to fix an auspicious date. But today your dad has consulted with our astrologer and said next month 10th is an auspicious date.
Gunjan: after hearing this she got worried because she has to involve herself in the new project and the engagement is going to happen in the same month.
Gunjan is not happy about her engagement.
To be Continued………