In the daily routine, I and my family spend some joyful time , we cook the meal and ate together at 9: 16 pm clock,  I  have stress for my  exam so much actually I want to be  fun with my friends, under so much of stress me or my sister kitty and me  talks with each other , then she slept and I study my syallabus for the preparation of test in school, so I decide to read the book , on continuously focusing in book I fell asleep. So I put the book on my table and lock the room , this is the time around 11; 40pm and turn off the light , I sleep at the corner of my bed and I fell in deep sleep, now the event of some paranormal activities experience that night , 

I was sleeping suddenly in state of partial unconscious , I saw a black shadow in front of my eyes , I am so worried  what is that? …. I face is completely blank  , I want to scream , but I am unable to speak any single word , my entire body is undergoes stuffing , it is really horrific suddenly my eyes open  I turn on the light , I am sweating continuously  I relaxed my self and I thought that I was only dreaming, it’s my mind perception only , I go  washroom and put the splash of water on my face , I saw the timing, it’s was 12: 5 o clock then I come my room lock the door and turn off my light.

Now the main horrific event  start,  I fell asleep again my entire body tighten and I feel the pain in my legs muscles now I am awake consciously , in the dark room I decide to turn on the light , but when I  look down my bed their  was a man ( middle aged man I not see his face he was   sleeping at turning of his face  now , I am lost completely, not able to scream and not able to move I look the man and  closed my eyes Even I am not able to awake my sister too, then I feel that the man drag my hand towards himself,I am completely unconscious  , after sometime my hand start shivering my entire body loose , I awake quickly turn on the light and  just running at my parents’s room I knocked the room and just grab my mother narrate every single word they don’t believe me then I saw the clock it’s 2: 00am  .


  1. Krishna Garg

    The story “Event Inbetween 12:00 to 2:00 AM” takes readers on a suspenseful journey through a series of paranormal encounters. The narrative begins with a glimpse into the protagonist’s daily routine, establishing a sense of familiarity and normalcy. However, as the clock strikes midnight, an eerie atmosphere descends upon the story, captivating the reader’s attention.

    The account of the protagonist’s experience of partial unconsciousness and encountering a mysterious black shadow is spine-chilling. The writing captures the protagonist’s fear and powerlessness, effectively drawing readers into the eerie atmosphere of the room. The subsequent moment of waking up, drenched in sweat, and rushing to the bathroom adds to the palpable sense of unease.

    Overall, “Event Inbetween 12:00 to 2:00 AM” is a chilling tale that skillfully blends elements of mystery and horror. The author adeptly crafts an atmosphere of fear and apprehension, keeping readers engaged and eager to discover the truth behind the paranormal encounters. While the story leaves some questions unanswered, it successfully elicits a sense of suspense and intrigue throughout its narrative.