Business Thieves is a suspense thriller. A Police team receives a challenging case in which they have to search for an unknown culprit. Their search and findings are the content of Business Thieves.
Chapter XXXI: The Commitment
Date: 14th June 2012
Place: The Commissioner Office, Chennai
When the meeting resumed, the time was 5.30 p.m.
Kannan said, “Each of you will take one responsibility and operate on it”
Pugazhendhi said, “I will check into Farooq’s house once again tomorrow”
Raja said, “I will work on finding the ownership details of the house of Sirish Kumar”
Muthu said, “I will work on finding the details from the broken robot”
Dhanasekaran said, “I will act as an information coordinator”
Kannan said, “your commitment level is great, gentlemen”
Kannan added,”Ok, we will be in contact through phone calls”
Kannan continued, “If there is any meeting, I will let you know”
Everybody nodded their heads
Kannan said, “Our session ends now”
All the officers left the place one by one.
Pugazhendhi came to his home by 6.30 p.m.
He took a bath and refreshed himself.
He went to the kitchen to prepare coffee.
The Doorbell of his apartment rang at that time.
Pugazhendhi opened the door.
Prabhu was standing outside.
Pugazhendhi smiled, “Welcome man”
Prabhu came inside.
Pugazhendhi served coffee for him.
As both of them sipped the coffee, their eyes were glowing with the knowledge gained by the robot case.
Prabhu said, “You have attained a great experience in this case man”
Pugazhendhi said,”hmmm…I agree, but a case full of risks”
Prabhu asked, “Can we go dinner together?”
Pugazhendhi said, “Yes man”
They went to Hotel Sangeeth in Adyar.
Hotel Sangeeth was a favourite spot of Pugazhendhi.
Chapter XXXII: Work all the time
Date: 14th June 2012
Place: Adyar
It was around 8 O clock when Pugazhendhi and Prabhu reached the Hotel Sangeeth.
Pugazhendhi’s favourite dish was a roast of Dosa and Vadacurry.
Prabhu ordered for a plate of Parotta and Vegetable masala kurma.
After a hard day, Pugazhendhi got a nice piece of dinner.
The mind and body were boiling in the heat of the case.
Hence, Pugazhendhi had indigestion problem in that week.
So, he was not able to intake food items which had too much spice.
Prabhu asked, “Why are you taking light food items?”
Pugazhendhi said, “I have got an indigestion problem man”
Prabhu asked, “Did you have it before?”
Pugazhendhi said, “No”
Prabhu said, “Then it could be because of this case”
Pugazhendhi laughed, “A! Ha! Ha!”
Prabhu said, “This case will bring any kind of disease to you”
Pugazhendhi said, “Yes of Course”
After their dinner, both of them came out of the hotel.
From Saidapet, both of them came in a single bike to Adyar.
They went to the parking area to take their bike.
It was 9 O clock in the night.
The Parking area got isolated and no humans got found there.
Only some two wheelers and four wheelers existed.
Pugazhendhi got near his two-wheeler.
At that time he saw a person dressed in a black suit standing at a short distance to them.
Pugazhendhi asked, “Who are you”
The guy had covered his face with a handkerchief.
He took out a gun and pointed it towards Pugazhendhi and Prabhu.
Prabhu got his mind working.
He had a small knife in his pocket for safety purposes.
Prabhu pulled out the knife and threw it towards the guy.
It struck in the right hand of the guy and injured him.
The guy started to run away due to injury.
Pugazhendhi and Prabhu started to run after him.
Prabhu said, “We are always employed”
(To be continued)