Business Thieves is a suspense thriller. A Police team receives a challenging case in which they have to search for an unknown culprit. Their search and findings are the content of Business Thieves.
Chapter XX: The Meeting
Date: 11th June 2012
Place: Commissioner Office, Chennai
The Time was 4 O clock in the evening.
Pugazhendhi reached the Commissioner office exactly at 4 O clock.
The meeting was about to begin.
Ramesh was absent in the meeting as he got admitted to the hospital.
Solomon, Raja, Dhanasekaran, Muthu, and Pugazhendhi were present for the meeting.
Some of the other officials were also present.
Kannan entered the meeting room with his subordinates.
Everybody sat in their chairs.
Kannan said, “Good evening Officers”
Everybody said, “Good evening sir”
Kannan said, “We have a new breakthrough in the case”
Everybody listened in a silent manner.
Kannan said, “The sad part is our officer Ramesh got injured during the operation”
Kannan added, “The suspect Farooq got murdered”
Kannan added, “But still, some people are operating the monkey robot”
Kannan added, “We do not know, who the people are?”
Pugazhendhi said, “We need to stop them, sir”
Muthu said, “We need to curb the group sir”
Kannan said, “That is what I am trying to focus”
Solomon said, “Afternoon, we had an attack in Farooq’s house”
Kannan said, “Yes, I too got to know about it”
Pugazhendhi said, “Sir, I am sorry sir”
Kannan said,”Pugazh, please be serious. Your friendship with Mr.Prabhu should be in limit”
Pugazhendhi said, “Sir, he accessed the site without informing me”
Kannan said, “That is not the issue, what if he had lost his life?”
Pugazhendhi kept quite
Kannan said, “It made a direct attack on him”
Everybody kept silent.
Pugazhendhi said, “Sir I was unaware of his visit”
Kannan said, “Please keep him away till the case ends”
Pugazhendhi said, “Yes sir, I will inform him”
Kannan said, “Else, we cannot answer anyone”
Pugazhendhi said,”Ok sir”
Kannan said,”Ok gentlemen, we will look into other issues”
Everybody said,”Ok sir”
Pugazhendhi said, “A person is operating the robot”
Muthu said, “The operating person’s need is a nearest periphery”
Pugazhendhi said, “I accept this point too”
Raja said, “The gang is trying to take revenge on us”
Kannan said, “Yes, that is sure”
Solomon asked, “What could be the strong reason for their vengeance?”
Kannan said,”Farooq’s death”
Muthu said, “Our revelation of the monkey robot with video evidence”
Kannan said, “Yes, we do have video evidence”
Dhanasekaran said, “Yes, they attacked our control room because of that”
Kannan said, “Yet, the video evidence is still with us”
Pugazhendhi asked, “Why did it check in at Farooq’s house when
Prabhu’s visit was confidential?”
Kannan said, “Yes, a valid question”
Muthu said, “Maybe, there is an evidence in that house”
Kannan said, “Yes, a good point “
Solomon said, “I am thinking on the technical part of the robot”
Pugazhendhi said, “Yes sir, who could have designed it?”
Muthu said, “It could have got designed in some foreign country”
Kannan said, “I agree”
Pugazhendhi said,”mmm…an imported one!”
Kannan said, “We don’t how many culprits got involved in this case”
Muthu said, “Yes, we are closing it at one end and it gets opened at somewhere else”
Kannan said, “The media is going to publish tomorrow about this”
Pugazhendhi said, “Sir, what about public disclosure?”
Kannan said, “Yes, I need to present the truth to media”
Muthu said, “Then it will get the attention of the chief minister”
Kannan said, “yes, it will”
Pugazhendhi said, “That can slow down the operation of the culprits”
Kannan said, “Maybe, but we have an urgency to trace them out”
Muthu said, “Yes, it is an emergency”
Kannan said,”Ok, a tea break now”
Kannan added, “We will be here at 5.30 p.m.”
All the officers said, “Thank you, sir”
Everybody went for their tea break.
(To be continued)