True we don’t realise the value of a moment until it turns into a memory.One sunny afternoon, I received a devastating news that my beloved grandmother, whom i affectionately called Nani, had passed away in her sleep. I was heartbroken and missed Nani deeply. I found solace in the memories we created together and the stories Nani told me

In her grief, i longed to communicate with Nani once more. I wanted to tell her how much i loved and missed her, and how much i wish she was still there to share my joys and sorrows. But how could I reach her , who was now in heaven?

I’ve determined to find a way. I’ve gathered my art supplies and sat down at my desk, determined to write a letter to heaven. With each stroke of my pen, i poured my heart onto the paper, sharing my deepest thoughts and feelings.

“Dear Nani,” i began, my hand trembling with emotion. “I hope you are doing well in heaven. I miss you more than words can express. The world feels a little emptier without you here. I wish I could hug you one more time and tell you how much I love you.” I continued to write, sharing stories of my daily life, my dreams, and my aspirations. I described the beauty of the blooming flowers in Nani’s garden, which now I take care of in her memory. I asked for guidance and strength, knowing that Nani was watching over me.

After finishing my letter, i folded it carefully and placed it in an envelope and kissed it gently before tucking it under the pillow, hoping that somehow my message would reach my beloved grandmother.That night, as i lay in my bed, i couldn’t sleep. I stared up at the ceiling, searching for answers in the twinkling stars. Suddenly, a soft breeze swept through my room, and a warm, comforting presence filled the air. I felt a sense of peace wash over me.

In the midst of the stillness, a single, radiant star shone brighter than the rest. It seemed to dance and twinkle, as if it acknowledged my letter. Overwhelming with joy, i  whispered, “Thank you, Nani.”From that day forward, i found comfort in knowing that my love for Nani transcended the boundaries of life and death. I continued to write letters to heaven, sharing my hopes and dreams, knowing that my messages would be carried by the wind and the stars, reaching  Nani’s loving spirit.


  1. Kesar Das

    Very often we tend to not value the very little emminent things in our life, we tend to be so busy in our lives that we forget about the most valuable trinkets of our life that beuatify our life in the most unimaginable ways. The above story too, is also just about the grief and the sorrows after we lose a tiny yet a very beuatiful trinket of our lives. This story is about a girl who was shocked by the sudden demise of her grandmother, how she couldn’t see her for the very last time or how she couldn’t say a loving and thankful goodbye to her grandmother. Yet, insted of being grieving about it, the girl took a chance. She took a chance to not let her ownself ponder into the sadness of losing someone. With loads of emotions trembling within her, she wrote a letter. A letter to her grandmother about the good times they had, the memories they made and a thanks for all the time nani gave to make the girl’s childhood and life the best one. The letter that she wrote was imposibble to be recived by her grandmother. Yet, the universe had its own ways of letting grandmother know that she was sent a letter by the person whom she loved the most. A sudden calming breeze flowed in the girl’s room making her feel the warmth of her grandmother once again and at that moment she knew, the letter was read. The letter was read by her grandmother and she realized that nani was always with her twinkling in the sky, either at day or at night.

  2. Ruhanee Jain

    ‘A letter to heaven’ – A title justifying the storyline. The story: simple and short, written about a child (the author) and her grandmother who is no more, is a beautiful expression of the love of the child towards the grandmother. The story is written in simple language and follows the form of narration. There are a few errors which could be corrected if it was proofread. Some mistakes in the usage of tenses are there. Other than that, the author has beautifully described the emotions, especially in the lines: Suddenly, a soft breeze swept through my room, and a warm, comforting presence filled the air. I felt a sense of peace wash over me.
    In the midst of the stillness, a single, radiant star shone brighter than the rest. It seemed to dance and twinkle, as if it acknowledged my letter. Overwhelming with joy, i whispered, “Thank you, Nani.” The last paragraph brings a feeling of peace and calmness to the heart of the author as well as the reader, as she can communicate with her grandmother, whom she loves dearly, in her own unique way. Overall a heartwarming story.