Tag: Featured

Collection of best stories. Featured stories are considered to be the best stories offered by Storieo.


As we grow up, we are expected to set out minds on something and plan to achieve that goal. However, the matter of the heart is not to be so easily persuaded. You may have followed your mind to where you think you need to be, but your heart will always want what it wants. …


It was just another Thursday in the city. The sun had started to sink into the unknown place beneath the clouds. Dusk would soon break upon. The gloom, which would accompany the immensely cloudy sundown, will soon display itself. Slow, humid breeze flew across the concrete road which was hardly visible beneath the jostling traffic.…


Mixing things has always been interesting. With Photoshop mixing photos is current trend, sometimes produces hilarious result. Here, you can see photographer Stephen McMennamy's manipulations with photos. "It’s really just from looking around and seeing what things are out in the world might make for an interesting fit or what would make for a nice contrast once combined," McMennamy…


At first glance he seemed to be a friendly sort but there was something about him that told me there was a steel  within-icy cold steel lurking behind his grey eyes,in the resolute thrust of his chin that he nuzzled within his muffler. "This man is not simple as he looks ,their is something erking…


Tribute to Neerja Bhanot   Today as I write this diary entry, as She always wanted me to write, my heart aches at the fact that you are not here to read it and appreciate me for my venture.. I still remember all the times when she made me a proud mother and today I…


It was a day’s trip from Surat to Mumbai and back. A select few of us had been chosen to attend the Outbound Travel Mart – commonly referred to as OTM – and I, never having attended OTM before, was naturally excited about the trip. I lost sleep over the littlest of things, starting with…

Feb 26

Losing her

I remember the small cute stickers of different animals and smileys she had given me when we were in the seventh grade. I found them in my wallet a few minutes ago. My table was in a mess. It was overflowing with garbage. My room stinked like anything. I was clearing my wallet and getting…


This story is about Narcissus, a man who fell in love with his own reflection and later died because he couldn't find the love of his life which was his own reflection only.    Echo was a mountain nymph who lived on the Mount Kithairon. She was a beautiful voluptuous woman with the perfect body…

Feb 25


My hair was set loose to move with the wind. I was sitting in the bus with my head out of the window. It had been six years since I had visited my hometown. The rivers were calling me to immerse myself into their clear and sweet waters. The cool breeze was tantalizing. The AccuWeather…

Feb 24

Hey Leah!

Christmas was just two days away and Leah had still not managed to make a trip to the mall. She hadn’t bought a single gift for anyone and she blamed it all on the project paper she had to write. Her University Professor had given her just a week to finish it as a result…