Author: Annabel George

I'm from Mumbai. Doing my Masters in English Literature, in Bangalore. I often find myself getting lost and transferring myself into a parallel universe, among the pages of the various novels I read. I enjoy observing people and just anything; they become an inspiration to the various characters and stories, I create in my writing. Apart from my love for reading and writing, I have a deep inclination to photography. It is something I absolutely enjoy.
Nov 26

Her Story

The narrator of the short story, narrates the story of a single mother named Meera. The narration delves into the difficult marriage that the protagonist was in and how she finally found the courage to leave her husband and live a much happier life with two of her daughters.   A ray of sunlight enters…

Nov 18


 Zara, the protagonist of the story follows her dreams and becomes a successful theater actor. However, her success becomes the reason for the fall of a three year long relationship with a man she once deeply loved.   “It’s hard, it’s hard to erase that image from my mind. It has occupied a place there…